It's Kickboxing Day!

Sample FXB Blog Post 1

A little over a year ago, I decided to join Farrell’s on a whim. After seeing what it was, how it worked, and the wonderful people involved, I was all in. I was able to see some great changes right away and after how well my first 10 weeks went, I decided to join. After completing the 10-Week Challenge, I decided I would put my hat in the ring for the Farrell’s $10,000 National Challenge

Since I started, I’ve literally been busting my tail to try and get myself back into shape and improve my overall health. At the time I started, I didn’t realize how out of shape, unhealthy, and out of whack my view of myself was, compared to the actual reality.

My final test results came from a lot of hard work and an army of support along the way. All of this helped me lose over 36 pounds, drop my body fat percentage from 24% to 12%, lose 9 inches off my waist and 7.5 inches off my tail. I was able to improve my mile time from 7:34 to 6:06. Lastly, I have also added around 15 pounds of muscle. Mixing cardio kickboxing, varying strength training with upper and lower body, food plans, and support helped me achieve these life-changing results. 

Farrell’s eXtreme Bodyshaping has also given me so many tools to improve my health. I used to drink a lot of Diet Mountain Dew (six to eight bottles daily). Since starting Farrell’s, I have switched to water making a huge life change, and haven’t been back. I now meal prep and plan, ensuring I’m fueling my body with the proper nutrition so I can perform, but also improve my fitness. I look for healthy options when I eat out, making much better decisions. 

Exercise and eating better have helped my cholesterol levels drop over 50 points, bringing them back to normal, expected levels. My resting heart rate has dropped over 20 beats per minute and my recovery times after workouts have improved drastically. All of these things have given me a new level of health I haven’t had since my 20’s. 

Farrell’s has also helped me mentally have more confidence overall and improve my results when competing in other activities. I can perform at a higher level, for longer periods, and beat people 10-15 years younger than me regularly. Going through this past year being socially distant due to COVID-19, gave me an outlet and support system to help me manage the mental challenges the year put us all through. 

I couldn’t have gotten here without the support and encouragement from so many people. My girlfriend, friends, and family have all helped me along the way. All the Farrell’s instructors, FIT members, new 10-week participants, managers, and so many people truly make Farrell’s a family environment that keeps me coming back. 

Farrell’s eXtreme Bodyshaping’s positive and encouraging community is truly something special and I am glad to be part of it. This year was a struggle for so many people for so many reasons and our Farrell’s family is always there with a positive environment pushing everyone to be the best person they can be. I can’t imagine going through 2020 without them. 

I am extremely grateful and blessed Farrell’s came into my life. I look forward to what the next year will bring and how Farrell’s can continue to positively change my life. This is only the beginning. 


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